Christian Life College-Madison exists to assist local congregations in preparing men and women to serve the Body of Christ in their career calling, whether that is in business, education, sciences, arts, or ministry.

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The Old Testament Survey - Fall 2024

SEPTEMBER 5-DECEMBER 19, 2024 | 6-8:30PM | City Church

A survey class is a basic overview, and in this course, we will provide not only that, but teach you insight into why the Old Testament is so valuable to Christians today. The revelation of God in the Old Testament makes our New Testament faith fuller and richer. It offers an exciting discovery of the character and ways of God. From the beginning in the opening chapters of Genesis to the last prophecies of Malachi, God was clearly at work, preparing the world for the revelation of His Son, Jesus Christ.


Degree Program

An Associate of Arts in Christian Studies degree is designed to equip students with a sound theological base for leadership, teaching, and ministry within the local church, particularly related to volunteer or bi-vocational service.  The AA utilizes an integrative approach in which various courses build on each other to provide a unique focus which helps students connect biblical and theological interpretation with spiritual formation, servant leadership and a Christ-centered worldview

Non-Degree Program

A Certificate in Christian Studies is alternative option for those who wish to expand both their knowledge of the Bible and their effectiveness as disciples of Jesus Christ, but without having to take all the requirements for an Associates degree (i.e. general education classes). You take the classes for credit, earning a total of 30 units (a total of ten 3-unit courses). If one decides later to pursue further academic options, these certificate courses can be applied to an AA or BA degree.


Christian Life College-Madison (CLCM) educators are devoted Christians, deep thinkers, experienced pastors, and academically qualified professors who will inspire you to reach higher and go farther on the path God has for you.  We have tapped an enormous wealth of resources from the Madison-area churches to assemble a real-world faculty that is both passionate and practical.

Tuition & Fees

For information on tuition and fees for degree and non-degree programs, click below. When space allows, anyone may observe up to three class periods per semester at no cost. Please contact the Academic Dean directly for seating availability and permission to observe.
Christian Life College Madison is an off-campus program of Christian Life College, located in Mount Prospect, Illinois.  

Independent Study Classes Offered

Academic Writing & Research, HU098-M
Developing good written communication to present Christian ideas intellectually is essential for ministry today. Thus, academic writing is a tool that can be learned by following some basic guidelines. This course will introduce you to conducting research, note-taking, paraphrasing, summarization, direct quoting, and use of the academic writing style. 
Christian Ethics, PH202-M
This course aims to provide instruction in the basic principles of Christian Ethics and their application to the Christian life.  The first part of the course will be concerned with general ethical concepts and issues.  The second part will be concerned with the sources of Christian ethics, and the distinctive character of those ethics.  Attention will also be paid to degenerate forms of Christian ethics, the relation between conversion and grace to Christian ethics, and the application of ethical principles to particular situations.
Foundations of Western Civilization, HI120-M 
Students will discover the essential nature, evolution, and perceptions of Western civilization from its humble beginnings to the dawn of the modern world.  With these 96 lectures on the people, places, ideas, and events that make up Western Civilization, award-winning scholars and teachers, Thomas F. X. Noble of the University of Notre Dame and Robert Bucholz of Loyola University invite students to explore the vast and rich territory of Western civilization
Introduction to Christian Leadership, MS-203-M 
This course is designed to move students into deeper levels of understanding regarding the significant concepts and theories that shape our contemporary understanding of leadership development and function in a Christian context.  From this primary context, students will be guided into discoveries of personal individual styles, strengths, and opportunities for growth in an effort to enhance personal leadership competencies.  This course will also have a deliberate focus on the development of personal character, the deeper life in Christ, and Christ-like servant leadership.
Introduction to Hermeneutics, TH-221-M 
The term hermeneutics can be intimidating to most people.  It not only sounds very academic, but it is also foreign to most of our vocabularies.  On the other hand, the act of interpretation (hermeneutics) is as common as communication itself.  Whenever someone speaks, a listener interprets what that speaker means.  In the same way, everyone who reads the Bible interprets what it means.  This course will help students understand the various parameters of biblical interpretation and how specific methods are applied to Bible study.  Emphasis will be placed on understanding the original, intended meaning of scripture in its canonical context as the basis upon which to prepare expositions and make appropriate contemporary applications.
Introduction to Spiritual Formation, MS-202-M 
This course has been designed to provide a biblical, theological and experiential foundation for the process of being conformed to the image of Christ. It will explore the meaning of biblical Christianity and its relation to faith and practice, giving special attention to spiritual formation through prayer, devotional reading, contemplation, and other spiritual disciplines. The lectures will help the student form a paradigm for spiritual growth and maturity that will affect both the individual and those to whom they minister.
Mission, Evangelism and Discipleship, MS205-M
This course is a study of the methods of evangelism and the structures of discipleship with special emphasis on the caring and maturing of the newly evangelized.  By integrating biblical theology, careful analysis of contemporary cultures, and reflective practice, this course provides resources for evangelizing and discipling post-moderns in the Christian faith.
Ministry and Leadership Admin, MS-201-M 
This purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad overview of the theory and practice of administration in the local church by exploring the biblical concepts of leadership and administration. Additional topics to be addressed include goal setting, team building, delegation, human relationships, budgeting, working with committees and teams, legal issues, personnel management, church operations, and the management of leaders. Though the principles are universal, the focus of the course is on the church/ministry organization.
To register for these courses, please download the CLCM Enrollment Application at the bottom of the page and send the completed form, along with the appropriate fee, to Lisa Quintana, CLCM registrar, 4909 East Buckeye Road, Madison, WI 53716. 

Ministry Leaders

DR. Greg Pechacek, DMin

Academic Dean


Lead Instructor, Registrar