City Church's Culture Council is committed to being a catalyst to help our church community better express our diversity,  to connect with God and each other, and for everyone to be welcomed.  


City Church is where people can meet Jesus and engage in a life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with the Holy Spirit, discover gifts, and use them for God's glory.

In Revelations 7:9, John describes a scene with many Christ followers from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and the Lamb in worship. To begin to realize this vision from John, we are working together as the Culture Council.  Our mission as the Culture Council is "to be a catalyst to help our community better express our diversity, and connect with God and each other so that everyone would feel at home." We promise to promote community through engagement within the City Church Campus, love towards one another, a listening ear, and a prayerful stance to further the Gospel and love of God.  

We exist as a Culture Council because someone expressed the feeling that they had to "leave" their culture at the door when entering the church.  We value the efforts of many to be a welcoming church body, and your hearts to serve God's people and see them "enter into the land." As the City Church Culture Council, we believe that we can add to the worship, preaching, and teaching experiences to help our church take a few more steps forward; so that others can more fully come as they are. We're convinced this is possible by the power of the Holy Spirit and with our willingness to love and serve one another.   

Get Involved  

The Culture Council wants to invite anyone in our congregation to pray about being involved with us.  The mission of the council is to be a catalyst to help our community better express our diversity and connect with God and each other, so that everyone feels at home.  If you’d like to learn more about getting involved in the Culture Council, please fill out the interest form by clicking on the button below.


Ministry Leader 
