Healthy marriages are vital to the church, and society. We are committed to walking alongside couples as they prepare for marriage. We also support existing marriages and families, and offer pastoral guidance and prayer for those struggling along the way.


For engaged couples who desire to be married at City Church, we generally like at least six months for marriage preparation. This involves filling out some information below in the Resources section so we can get to know you, meet with you, and also connect you with a mentoring couple. There are many benefits from this that helps you both get personal guidance and learn from others' marriage experiences.


We tell couples if they are not making consistent, proactive investments in their marriages, they are losing ground. Just like our cars that need constant maintenance to run well, our marriages need constant maintenance for them to function the way God designed. For this reason, City Church offers a variety of marriage enrichment opportunities including classes, seminars and partnering with other organizations to offer marriage strengthening resources and events.


When marriages reach a point of crisis because of something like unfaithfulness, abuse or addictions; we strongly recommend professional help. We recommend The Center of Christian Counseling. Other Christian counseling centers include the Samaritan Center and Living Well Counseling Center.

If professional services are not a good fit, here are some things we offer:
  • PRAYER   Any of the pastors you have a relationship with would be happy to pray for you and offer pastoral counsel from the Word of God.
  • MENTORING   We can assign to you a mentoring couple who will help you work through personal issues.
  • RESOURCES   Pastor Joel has developed a curriculum, called “Hope Restored,” to work with struggling couples. The emphasis of the material is on developing good communication and problem solving skills.


Healing from divorce is not easy. In DivorceCare groups, people in separation and divorce finds tools, teaching and support to help them deal with their pain and give them hope for the future.  DivorceCare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
This 13-week Christ-centered program includes three main parts—video, group discussion and personal Bible study. The videos feature teaching from over 50 leading Christian counselors, teachers and pastors who speak on topics important to people in separation or divorce. The videos also contain real-life stories of people who’ve been through a marital breakup, as they share their pain, challenges and path to healing. During the discussion time, the group will discuss the concepts presented in the videos and share what is going on in everyone’s lives. Each participant will purchase a workbook that contains a daily Bible study for personal reflection and application throughout the following week.


March 14-15, 2025 | MADISON MARRIOTT WEST

No marriage is static. Each day, each choice - you're either moving closer together, toward oneness... or coasting farther apart. At the intersection of a faith-based conference and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that - choose oneness. Whether you're sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best next step towards being, and staying, one.

Cost - $175/person. See link below to register.
(Until January 20th you can register for 50% off!)

Ministry Leaders


Marriage Ministry Pastor

Joel Alberti

Marriage Counseling Pastor