Our Young Adults group aims to meet the ever-changing needs of the young adults community. The main focus for our young adults is fellowship and spiritual growth.

Young Adults Service

Held the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, September - May, in the City Church Family Room.  Includes a time of worship, a speaker and small groups, depending on the night. During the summer months, social activities and special events are scheduled for the young adults and posted in the City Church Young Adults group chat.  For more information, click on the contact button at the top of the page to connect with the Young Adults Pastor and leaders.

Connecting with City Church Young Adults

Our Young Adults group connects through various platforms and activities. During our Monday night worship services, family dinners, Facebook page and Discord messaging, we are a highly active group pursuing the heart of the father together. For those interested in being updated on what is going on in the community check out the Events page on the site, look at the calendar on the City Church Madison App, and below for Young Adults special events. Ask to join our City Church Young Adults Facebook page, and connect with the Young Adults Leadership Team during an event to be added to the group chat on Discord. You can also click the connect button on our website to start receiving the City Church emails.  



1st &3rd MONDAYs | 7PM | FAMILY ROOM

Our weekly Young Adults service usually happens on the first and third Mondays of the month. Doors open at 6:30PM for time of connection with others, and the service starts at 7PM.
Starting this fall is "The Ways of God" series, that is based off the scripture, Psalm 32:8-9.

Check the Events page and our Discord channel to confirm the meeting days for the month. All are welcome!


Over the course of the next school year, we will be going through a book called "Practicing the Power".  During this time we will meet monthly to discuss the book and to practice what the Lord is teaching us through the book in community.

These meetings typically happen at Pastor Joe's house, from 9AM-12PM on select Saturdays.

If you desire to Join in this study, click the button to sign.

Ministry Leader


Young Adults Pastor